Short Breaks

Short Breaks

The Short breaks service has three properties providing 19 places across the city for adults (18+) who have Learning and/or Physical Disabilities and Autism with an assessed need for a short break.

Each individual will have an allocation of nights — this is the number of nights per year that they and or their carers have been assessed as needing. There are 2 services in the North at Broadlands and Edlington and 1 in the South at Hall Lane.

Each citizen who stays with the Shortbreaks service will enjoy a person-centred stay in which they can take part in activities of their choice, celebrate holidays and special calendar and cultural events, catch up with old friends and make new ones.

Each citizen will be assessed by the service to ensure that any health needs, medication and interventions can be met along with cultural and dietary requirements.

The staff teams are made up of specifically recruited team members, all of which receive a comprehensive induction and training programme. This includes moving and handling, safe medication handling and administration, autism awareness, epilepsy awareness, emergency first aid, infection control, Positive Behavioural Support and safeguarding vulnerable adults.

All staff have completed or are currently undertaking their Care Certificate with an aim to continue with Levels 2 & 3 in Health and Social Care.

Referrals need to come from a social work team following an assessment of need and a funding agreement. Citizens are encouraged to set their own goals and targets for increasing independence, achieving their wishes and aspirations for participation in community activities and celebrations.

The service operates 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Office hours for management 9:00am – 4:30pm with an on-call and duty service outside of office hours including bank holidays, weekends and evenings.

Head of Service: Paul Teale
Service Manager: Sally Hughes
Operations Manager: Nick Whittingham

Referrals need to come from a social work team following an assessment of need and a funding agreement. 

If you, or someone who is aged 18 or over and lives in the area covered by Manchester City Council, needs care and support, you can get in touch for advice, information and an assessment of your needs.

Phone: 0161 234 5001