Contact Us

Contact us

Please find all of our contact information below.

Please note that sending email to this address is not secure so should not be used for sending information regarding treatment or personal and confidential information.

General enquiries

Please email

Manchester Local Care Organisation
4th Floor,
Town Hall Extension,
M60 2LA

For all general enquiries, email
We aim to get back to you as soon as possible.
Please note that sending email to this address is not secure so should not be used for sending information regarding treatment or personal and confidential information.

If your enquiry is about Social Care Services including eligibility, or queries regarding someone receiving a Social Care service, please email the Contact Centre at

Visit our social media channels:

Media, event and communications enquiries should be sent to marked for the attention of the communications team.

As a patient, relative, carer or a member of the public, you may want to send us a compliment, complaint, feedback or ask questions about the services we provide.

For our community health services:

If you have any suggestions, comments or concerns about the services you have received, the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) team are here to help. Whether you are a patient, a relative, friend or carer, they will listen to your concerns, help make your voice heard and liaise with the relevant staff to sort out any problems quickly.

The PALS team can provide information about NHS services and other sources of help such as Citizen’s Advice Bureau and support you through an anxious time. They also give a voice to patients’ issues, help to identify gaps in services and report to the Trust Board.

Contact the team by email or call 0161 276 8686.

For more information about PALS and this process, visit the MFT Patient Experience page

For our adult social care services:

We welcome any feedback that helps us improve and maintain high standards, all feedback and complaints will be dealt with fairly and sensitively.

You can contact us by completing our complaints form or send your complaint to:

Customer Feedback
Corporate Complaints Team
PO Box 532
Town Hall
M60 2LA

Telephone: 0161 234 3012

Click here for more information about the feedback and complaints procedure.

Not sure who to contact?

For any other queries or feedback, please contact us via and we will assist you.